Some primary surnames are Ayer, Bastedo, Breed, Burgess, Crowe, Dickinson, Evans, Eyre, Flagg, Friend, Hatchett, Heinzman, House, Howell, Johnson, Mabee, Roberts, Sabin, Stutzman, Thurman, Willingham, and many others which you will find in the surname index.
To use these files, Click Here. You will then have a choice of using the Surname list, the Index, Search and starting from Steve and Nancy's home page.
Once you select a surname from the Index or the Surname list,  you will see all the associated given names. Clicking on a name in the center will lead you to a "Person Sheet" showing detailed information. If you click on the green tree you will see a 5 generation family tree. To move back a generation, click on a parents name in the top area. To move forward a generation, click on a childs name in the bottom area.
Steve and Nancy Johnson
Crowe Heinzman Howell Johnson Thurman Hatchett
These files were last updated February 18, 2024
28187 Names
Thank You For All The Help
629 names have been added
367other changes have been made
since the last update on August 6, 2023
Nancy's Immigrant Grandparents
John Thurman, 1604-1669, 9G Grandfather
Thomas Hatchett, 1616-unk, 7G Grandfather
Samuel Denton, 1631-1713, 8G Grandfather
Elijah Smith, 1810-1840, GG Grandfather
Steve's Immigrant Grandparents
Edmund Johnson, 1615-1651, GGGGG Grandfather
Captain Richard Robert Crowe, 1728-1821, GGGG Grandfather
Johann Jacob Heinzman, 1802-1873, GG Grandfather
Hugh Howell, 1659-1745, GGGGG Grandfather
Family Card Explanation
1. Father and Mother are shown in the center with images.
2. Parents of Father and Mother are at top.
3. Children of father and Mother at bottom.
4. Clicking on a Childs name will bring that child to the center.
5. Clicking on a Parents name will bring that parent to the center.
Some Crowe Links
William Blascot Crowe
Eyre Evans Crowe
William George Crowe
Wilson Evans Crowe
Joel Wilson Crowe