These people went to New England: with WILLIAMS: ANDREWES: of Ipswich Master of the: John: and Dorothy: of Ipswich and With WILLIAM ANDREWES his Sone. Master of the Rose: of Yarmouth.
Aprill, the / 11th / 1637 The examinaction of RICHARD: CARUEAR: OF Skratby. in the county of Norff / husbandman / ageed / 60, yeares, and GRACE: his Wife. agreed, 40 yeares. with / 2 Children.
ELIZABETH:/// ageed /. 18 yeares and , SUSANNA: aged 18, yeares. being twynes. / mor 3 Saruants ISACKE: HARTT: ageed, 22 yeares and THOMAS: FLEGE: aged / 21 yeares. and one MARABLE: VUNDERWOOD: A Mayd. Saruant / Ageed, 20 Yeares. goes all for New England to Inhabitt and dwell///
89Emigrated to America in 1637, settled at Watertown, MA and married Mary.
136Thomas lived near Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
63Thomas was a yearman, lieutenant, propriertor, officer and selectman. He lost an eye in 1657 by gunshot.
83Thomas, Watertown, came as serv. of Richard Carver from Scratby in the hundred of East Flegg, Co. Norf. a few miles N. of Yarmouth, where they emb. 1637, aged 21; (list of children). Barry, from wh. I copy in part, says he was liv. 1691. In the records of W. the name is spell. Fleg, or Flegg, in conformity, as in our Eng. patronymics is so usual, with its geograph. deriv. but, in general, at other places, conform. to the sound.
91William, Lancaster, k by the Ind. 22 Aug. 1675, as Willard, 37, in the Hist. has it, possib. was s. of first Thomas.
91Gershom, Woburn, by Bond thot. s. of Thomas of Watertown.