NameJohn Ball
BirthNew England
Notes for John Ball
JOHN, a tailor, m. ELIZABETH PEIRCE [Peirce, 1], by whom he had 4 chil. 1. John, b. 1644; 2. Mary; 3. Esther; 4. Abigail, b. in Wat., Ap. 20, 1658, and d. soon. She (wife) was insane in 1660, and probably had been thus some time. She gave much annoyance to her family and neighbours. [See Reg. of Deeds, vol. iii., p. 81.] She died, and he m. (2d) Oct. 3, 1665, ELIZABETH FOX (? dr. of Thomas Fox, of Concord, afterwards of Wat.), and had son Joseph, b. Mar. 12, 1669-70. Oct. 21, 1665, he sold to William Perry his farm in Wat. (which he had purchased of John Lawrence), and went to Lancaster, where he was killed by Indians, Sept. 10, 1675. His estate was admin. by his son John, of Wat., Feb. 1, 1677-8.