JohnsonFamily2/19/24 - Person Sheet
NameJack Sterling States Dr.
Anc Interest LevelDNA 42-4 Ancestry J.S. And 41-4 Jack_States 3C Johnson
Notes for Jack Sterling States Dr.
Minnie's son Herbert, my grandfather, was the one who homesteaded here in Lander but he and my father James, and his two sisters Mignon and Margaret moved away in the 1930's. He and my dad ended up in Saratoga, WY and ran an apiary for many years there. I was raised there and I am now a retired college professor of biology, having taught 25 years in Flagstaff Arizona. I purchased the remaining land here in sinks canyon from my grandmother (now deceased, as is my father) and have built a retirement home. If you met Minnie here, you may remember the apple orchard, which my wife, Diantha, and I are restoring after many years of neglect. We have two grown children, but neither is married yet. It was interesting to note that you have relatives in Valentine which happens to be where my mothers greatgrandparents lived before and since Cherry county was
created. Perhaps some of the old timers will recall the name of Martin Christensen. Anyway that is another subject. There is much to do so I'll get started. Jack (Jack States)