NameGeorge Dana Johnson
Birth1 Dec 1847, Lewiston, Androscoggin Co, Maine
Birth15 Nov 1856, Parishville, St. Lawrence Co, New York
Family ID4047
Marriage29 Apr 1875, Minneapolis, Minnesota53
Notes for George Dana Johnson
Went to Wisconsin at 4 years of age, 1851. He is listed as George A. in the 1850 census.
GEORGE DANa JOHNSON', (51) fourth son of Samuel' and Laura Ann (Jones) (
) Johnson, born in Lewiston, Androscoggin
county, Maine, December 1, 1847; married in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 29, 1875, by Reverend James McGolrick, pastor of Immaculate Conceptions, Catholic church, Halmer and Lucy Smith, witnesses, Mary Etta, seventh child and fifth daughter of Patrick and Mary (Mullen) Flanigan, born in Parishville, St. Lawrence county, New York, November 15, 1856. Before he was four years old his parents moved to Wisconsin, but he had contracted that insidious disease, "catarrh," so prevalent in cold localities and in the severe climate of that section, though it never reached a dangerous stage, his system was so dis-arranged that he was always lastive and slow, being classed as dal; so that, though he attended district school quite regularly, with ocea-sienal short terms of private instruction, never advanced far in edu-cation, and the unrest occasioned by the civil war, together with consideration of the plans of an older schoolmate, who was going to Minnesota which were the more readily reverted to because of his inability to comprehend the problems occurring in his studies, he ran away from home, in the spring of 1863, and in February, 1864, enlisted at St. Paul, Minnesota, in Company D, Bracket's battalion, Minnesota cavalry, and served two years on the western frontier against the Sioux Indians, under General Alfred Sully.
After being discharged he learned the printing trade in the office of the Glence Register, of Charles A. Bennett, since publisher of the Granite Falls Journal; then for several years lived in Minneapolis, where he married, worked for an express company, and clerked in different stores, and in 1885 moved to Texas, but not having success there returned to Crete, Nebraska, and worked in the mills there two years; then went to Colorado, exchanging Minneapolis property for land, but the supply of water for irrigation proving inadequate, misfortune still followed him, so he abandoned farming and followed public works for the next ten years, when the state of his health, and other circumstances, sent him to the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, Kan-sas, where, his health improving, he has been able to compile this family history and can be justly termed the family historian.
1, Georgie Etta Johnson', born at 312 Henepin avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 4, 1876; married, April 21, 1900, at Methodist Parsonage, on South Union Avenue, Pueble, Colorado, by Reverend Herbert S. Cook, Joseph and Lettie Benton witnesses, Bert Walter, second son of Charles H. and Alta Martha (Currier) Carter, born at South Deerfield, Rockingham county, New Hampshire, November 26, 1873; who enlisted as private, at Denver, Colorado, in Company A, First Colorado infantry, May 1, 1898, promoted to corporal and sergeant, serving during the Spanish-American war and Philippine insurrection; went out on transport Mead, calling at Honolulu, the first American troops to land there, and were accorded a fine recep-tion; returned via Japan; discharged at Presidio, San Francisco, September 8, 1899; is a chemist for the American Smelting and Refining Co.; lives at Sewerin, a suburb of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Chil dren: 1, Alta Martha CarterĀ°, born at 303 East Evans avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, January 30, 1901. 2, Florence Josephine Carter, born at 1045 Berkley avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, December 31, 1901. 3, Walter Stewart Carteri", born at 112 State street, Perth Amboy, New Jer-sey, August 13, 1912. 2, Kate M. Johnson*, born at 406 Third avenue southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 21, 1878; married at Los Angeles, California, December 6, 1903, Joseph Lindsey Grimes, born in West Virginia, November 27, 1875. 3, Bertha M. Johnson", born at 406 Third avenue southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 29, 1880; married, April 23, 1901, at 1045 Berkley avenue, by Reverend Thomas Andrew [father of the groom], Bet and Georgie Carter wit-nesses, Ernest, second son of Thomas and Grace (Curnow) Andrew, born at Millom, Cumberland County, England, August 4, 1880; a moulder by trade; works for Colorado Fuel and Iron Co.; lives at
2033 East Routt avenue, Pueble, Colorado. Child: 1, Thomas Ernest Andrew,