NameAda Estelle Johnson
Birth4 Feb 1854, Mt Pleasant Twp, Green Co, Wisconsin
Birth12 Jul 1851, Rock Co, Wisconsin
Family ID4048
Marriage6 Sep 1875, West Union, Fayette Co, Iowa
Notes for Ada Estelle Johnson
ADA ESTELLE JOHNSON', (53) born in Mt. Pleasant township, February 4, 1854; married in West Union, September 6, 1875, by P.
L. Hinkley, justice of the peace, James Ainsworth witness, Almer L.. son of Philander and Eunice (Talcott) Davis, born in Rock county, Wisconsin, July 12, 1851; he is a carpenter by trade and lives at Ault, Weld county, Colorado.
She was educated in the public schools in the different localities
where she grew up; she and the one who afterwards became her husband being the champion spellers among their mates; afterwards teaching several terms in Fayette county.
After her marriage her house was the gathering place for all members of the family, and the home of her mother until she herself became an invalid; and by their own selection other members of the family abided there; her oldest brother, when stricken with tubereu-losis, returning there to die; and through lack of sanitary precautions communicated the disease to her daughter, who suceumbed in a few years, and though contracting it herself, and at times being very low, still lingers, patiently enduring her cross, "content to live, yet not afroid to die.”