NameCapt. Reinold
Birth1669, Lyme, New London, CT
Death18 Oct 1737, Lyme, New London, CT
Birth14 Aug 1677
Death27 Oct 1707
Family ID5177
Marriageabt 1696
Notes for Capt. Reinold
6 CAPT. REINOLD,3 son of Lieut. Reinold2 and Sarah (Clark) Marvin, born in 1669, in Lyme, Ct.; died there 18 Oct., 1737; married (1), about 1696, Phebe, daughter of Lieut. Thomas and Mary (DeWolf) Lee, born 14 Aug., 1677,(*) in Lyme; died there 27 Oct., 1707; married (2), 30 June, 1709, Martha, daughter of Sergt. Thomas and Miriam (Tracy) Waterman, born 6 Dec., 1680, in Norwich, Ct.; died 18 Nov., 1753, in Lyme. Reinold was chosen one of the first two deacons in the First Congregational Church, Lyme, when it was formed, 27 March, 1693, but he is more frequently referred to, on the later town records, by his military title. He was "Sargent" of the Lyme train-band as early as 1702, and probably held that position until 1712, when he was appointed ensign; 8 May, 1718, the Legislature "established and confirmed Mr. Reinold Marvin to be Captain of the First Train-band or Company" in Lyme.(+) He was chosen townsman in 1697, 1702, '03, '05, '06; first townsman in 1707, '22-25, '28, '31 and '32. Hempstead, in his Diary (p. 196), mentions meeting him with the other selectmen of Lyme, 25 April, 1728, to "Renew the Town Bounds" between Lyme and New London. He was constable, 1694; collector of rates, 1713, '14; grand juryman, 1714 and 1735; sealer of weights and measures, 1715; lister, 1729; moderator, 1721, '23 and '24, and was on numerous important committees. Feb. 4, 1717/8, he was on a committee "Fully Impowered in ye Towns behalf To meet with New London Comitee if warned by them, to perambelate the Dividend Line between Corner & Corner. if it appear needfull they have power to erect according to Law more or other moniments and further ye sd Comitee haue hereby power to Warn Colchester and east haddam to preambelate yr Dividend Lynes between [them] and us and yt sd Comiti haue ye same power Relateing to those two lines yt is Giuen theme Relateing to new london line.... (Lyme rec.) 28 April, 1718, when there was a vacancy in the office of the minister, the town appointed
(*) The name of her mother and date of Phebe's birth, given above, differ from Savage and Hyde Gen., but are substantiated by Lyme records; see "Fam. Hist. and Gen.," III: 120, note.
Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin
Author: George Franklin Marvin, William T.R. Marvin
Call Number: R929.2 M39
A historical and genealogical account of the descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Connecticut, who arrived in America in 1638 and 1635, ranging from the 15th century to 1904.
Bibliographic Information: Marvin, George Franklin and William T.R. Marvin. Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin. Boston: T.R. Marvin & Son, 1904.