JohnsonFamily2/19/24 - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Beckham
Birthapp 1615, England
Family ID6019
Marriageapp 1645
ChildrenSimon (~1655-1716)
Notes for William Beckham
Although we know very little about this beginning of the Beckham families in America what we do know is that William Beckham the immigrant arrived in Amer ica in 1639 and settled in Upper Norfolk Co, VA. He would have been born in England prior to 1623because he would have had to have been at least 12 year s old in order to be listed in the ship log that brought hhim to America. In formation also indicated that he was an indentured servant owing his passage apparently to a Richard Preston who traded his servitude for 250 acres of lan d along with four other indentured servants. The land was located on the New Townehaven River in Upper Norfolk Co, VA. It is believed that he was marrie d to Tabetha Randolph. She was born 1622 in what is now Orange Co, VA. Reco rds indicate that he had at least one son. If any daughters existed we have no records of them. Other sons could also exist of which we have no knowle dge at this time. Only Simon Beckham has been traced which is our direct lin e. I am sure that records exist somewhere in Virginia that will someday pro vide an answer as to other children. (This was taken from Beckham Family o f America by James Ervin Heidlebaugh, 3rd edition, 1997)