Birth1753, Inch By Gory, Wexford, Ireland
Notes for William TACKABERRY
Date: January 08, 2001 at 16:45:27
of 80
Attention all Tackaberry researchers: we are not using this valuable resource to help each other. Let's make a New Year's resolution to do better. I will
start with the bare-bones of what I have. If you want more, let me know.
William Tackaberry b. 1753, Inch by Gorey, Wexford, Ireland, m. Margaret Johnstone
Son: Fossey J. Tackaberry b. 1806 m. Anna Switzer
Children of Fossey born in County Wexford, Ireland were John S. b. 1842, William H. b. 1844, Mary Ann b. 1845, Margaret b. 1847, Ellenor b.
Children of Fossey born in Van Buren County, Iowa: Rebecca b. 1852, Fossey J. b. 1855, Gertrude E. b. 1857, Rachel b. 1854
John S. is my great-grandfather but I have also been collecting facts about any other Tackaberrys in hopes of putting it all together one day. If
interested, I could post some of the other bits and pieces from the Irish research.
Re: Tackaberrys in USA & Ireland
Posted by: Diane-Mary Tackaberry