NameSarah Nancy Harden
Birth28 Jun 1798, Delaware
Death3 Sep 1882
Birthabt 1797, Friendsville, Allegany, MD434
Death8 Dec 1876, Maryland434
Notes for Sarah Nancy Harden
Sarah (Hardin) Friend is listed in the 1850 census of Allegany County, MD taken on August 2nd. Sarah is listed in the household of Andrew Friend, page 33A, line 13, Age 52, Female, Born in Delaware. "Magog".
Sarah (Hardin) Friend is listed in the 1860 census of Allegany County, MD. Sarah is listed in the household of Andrew Coleman Friend. Sarah was 63, female, born in DE.
Sarah (Hardin) Friend is listed in the 1870 census of Allegany County, MD in the household of Andrew Coleman Friend. Sarah is listed as age 70, female, occupation - housekeeper, born in (PA?).