301. Helen Cavill Schanz, “Metzger Family,” Various dates, 2001.
302. Reunion 1995 Family Group Sheets.
303. Memorial of Captain Richard Robert Crowe, copies of hand-written documents from New Jersey Archives.

New Jersey Court documents relating to the seizure and sale of Richard Robert Crowe’s property.
Documents relating to the Revolutionary History of New Jersey, Vol I, II, III
Vol II Page 401
New-Jersey, Middlesex, ss. WHEREAS inquisitions have been found against the following persons, who have either joined the army of the King of Great-Britain, or have otherwise offended against the form of their allegiance to this State, viz. Barnardus Lagrange, Frederick Wiser, Jacob Wiser, jun. James Collins, Andrew Norwood, John Pack, William Hall, Nathaniel Mundroe, Richard Davis, John Brown, Duncan M'Carty, Matthew Sleght, James Richmond, John Richmond, John Duychinck, Peter Barbine, Alexander Watson, Robert Grames, John VanNorden, jun. Oliver Delancey, of New-York, but who has estate in Middlesex county, Andrew Mersereau, John Perrine, jun. Samuel Smith, ,John Cook, Robert Martin, Stephen Skinner, Oliver Barbine, Robert Richard Crowe, Andrew Barbine, Samuel Warne, David Gosling, Robert Campbell, Cortland Skinner, and Philip French, of Somerset, but who has estate in Middlesex; which inquisitions have been returned at the last Court of Common-Pleas held at New-Brunswick, in and for the said county of Middlesex, and proclamation made in open Court according to law for the said offenders, or any person on their behalf, to appear and traverse the said inquisitions. NOTICE is hereby given to the said offenders, that if they do not appear, or any person in their behalf, or whoever shall think himself interested in the premises, at the next Court of Common-Pleas to be held at New-Brunswick, in and for the county of Middlesex, on the second Tuesday in October next, to traverse and put in the security required by law, that then the said inquisitions will be taken to be true, and final judgment will be entered thereon.
Middlesex county, August 15, 1778.
Vol II Page 557
NOTICE is hereby given that the subscribers, two of the Commissioners for the county of Middlesex, in the state of New-Jersey, will meet at the house of Daniel Lott, in Cranberry, on Thursday the 17th of December next ensuing to settle and pay (as far as may be in their power) all persons that have any just demands against the estates formerly Andrew Mercereau, John Perine, David Gosling, Samuel Smith, Robert Martin, Robert R. Crow, Samuel Warren, Stephen Skinner, Barnardus Legrange, Frederick Wiser, John Brown, James Collins. And all persons having demands as aforesaid, are desired then and there to appear with their respective accounts, vouchers and evidences.
JOHN LLOYD, WM. SCUDDER, Commissioners.
Nov. 17, 1778.
Vol III Page 61
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who have any claims, interest, or demands to, in, or against the estates of George Stainsforth, William Steel and Thomas Hooper, to appear with their accounts, vouchers and evidences before the subscribers, at Princeton, the eighth day of March next, in order to have the same adjusted and settled, and all persons indebted to the above named or to Bernardus Legrange, Frederick Wiser, jun. James Collins, John Tack, Nathaniel Munrow, Richard Davise, John Brown, Duncan M'Carty, John Ritchman, Peter Barberrie, Alexander Watson, Robert Grimes, Oliver Delancy, Andrew Mercereau, John Perrine, jun. Samuel Smith, John Cook, Robert Martin, Stephen Skinner, Oliver Barberrie, Robert R. Crow, Andrew Barberrie, Samuel Warne, David Goslin, Robert Campbell, and Cortlandt Skinner, are desired to make speedy payments to the subscribers; and any persons possessed of any effects, monies, bonds, bills, notes, mortgages, books of accounts, or any other instrument of writing what so ever, belonging to either of the above persons, and do not make immediate discovery thereof to the subscribers, will be proceeded against as the law directs.--And all those indebted to the subscribers for goods bought at their several vendues, are requested to make speedy payment to avoid trouble.
Middlesex County, Feb. 1, 1779.

Vol III Page 63
Middlesex, ss. WHEREAS inquisitions have been found, and final judgment entered thereon in favour of the state of New Jersey, against the persons herein-after mentioned--NOTICE is hereby given that the houses and lands, and all the real estate lately belonging to them, that is to say, all the lands, tenements and real estate belonging, or lately belonging to Andrew Mercereau, David Goslin, Alexander Watson, John Perine, jun. Samuel Smith, John Cook and Robert Martin, situate, lying, and being in the southward of Amboy, in the county of Middlesex, will be exposed to sale at publick vendue on Wednesday and Thursday the 10th and 11th days of March next: at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and continue to be held at the premises respectively, till all the above estates are sold--The lands, tenements, and real estates of Cortland Skinner, Stephen Skinner, Robert Richard Crowe and Samuel Warne, lying in the southward of Amboy aforesaid, will be exposed to sale at publick vendue at the house of Capt. James Morgan, in Cheesquakes, on Monday the 15th day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon--The lands, tenements, and real estates of Barnardus Legrange, Frederick Wiser, James Collins, and John Brown, situate in New Brunswick, will be exposed to sale at the house of William Marriner, innkeeper, in New Brunswick, on Thursday the 18th day of March next; the sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the forenoon--The lands, tenements, and real estates of William Steel on George's road, and Robert Campbell, near David Williamson's tavern, will be sold on Friday the 19th day of March next on the premises; and the lands, tenements, and real estate of George Stainsforth, situate near Princeton, will be sold at vendue on Saturday the 20th day of March next, on the premises, the sale to begin at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Attendance will be given at the times and places above mentioned, and a more particular description of the lands given. Also deeds made to the purchasers, agreeable to act of Assembly, by
JOHN LLOYD, WM SCUDDER, Commissioners.
N. B. There will also be exposed to sale, on the 20th of March next, three small houses and lots in Princeton, in the county of Middlesex, lately belonging to Richard Cochran, against whom inquisition has been found, and final judgment entered in Somerset county.
Middlesex county, Feb. 8, 1779.
--The New Jersey Gazette, Vol. II., No. 62, February 10, 1779.

Vol III Page 435
Middlesex County. Publick notice is hereby given to all persons who have any claims, interest or demand in or upon the estates of the following fugitives and offenders, against whom inquisitions have been found and final judgment entered thereon in favour of the state, viz. Andrew Mercereau, David Gosling, John Perine, John Cook, Robert Martin, Samuel Smith, Samuel Warn, Robert R. Crow, Stephen Skinner, Cortland Skinner, Alexander Watson, Bernardus Legrange, Frederick Wiser, James Collins, John Brown, Robert Campbell, William Steele, George Stainforth, Thomas Hooper, all of Middlesex county; and Oliver Delancey, of New-York, and Thomas Leonard, of Monmouth, to exhibit their accounts fairly stated in writing to the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas for the aforesaid county, within 12 months from the date hereof, for which purpose they will give their attendance at the house of Joseph Dennis, at Spotswood, on Thursday the 24th of June.
JOHN LLOYD, WM. SCUDDER, Commissioners.,
N. B. All persons who are yet in arrears for land or goods bought at the sales of confiscated estates, are desired to make immediate payment to the Commissioners aforesaid.
304. See Source 75

”American Loyalist Claims", Peter Wilson Coldham, F.A.S.G., National Genealogical Society, 1980
305. News article about Iris Morris and Jodi Pocha
306. Arthur Crowe homestead papers, 1919.
307. “Crowe Family Bible,” Copy with Steve Johnson.
308. Arthur B. Crowe naturalization papers dated 7 Aug 1935.
309. Frederick G. Crowe Obituary, Valentine, NE
310. Marriage article, Valentine Paper, July 24, 1908.
311. “1900,” Iowa, Woodbury, Sioux City, 6th Ward, 19 Jun 1900,, 25 Jun 2001.
312. Second Report of the Bureau of Archives

Pages 1276,1277 and 1278
November 24, 1788
1218. Evidence on the Claim of Richard Robt. Crowe, late of New Jersey.

Claimant Sworn-Says he lived for some time at Parsburgh-he came from there to New Brunswick to attend the Commissions. The Commissioners had left the place-three or four days before. Claimant saw Mr. Hunter-told him his case-he desired Claimant to send his Deposition and Evidence to the Commission afterwards. Claimant was an hour with Mr. Hunter and conferred with him on his Losses.
Claimant had no opportunity to send to the Commissioner in Canada. Says he lives at a very retired place where there is little Communication with the rest of the Province. Is a native of Ireland-came to America with General Braddock in the year 1755. Was a lieutenant in the 48th Regt. was afterwards at the taking of Quebec, Louisburg and Havannah.
Was settled in Monmouth County near Amboy when Rebellion broke out-he refused entering into the American Troops. They offered him the rank of General. He was put in Gael first at Brunswick-he got away to Philadelphia-he was imprisoned there, and sent back to New Jersey-and was tried and was acquitted. He then went home where he was very ill. As soon as he could he joined General Vaughan at Amboy afterwards served to end of the Rebellion. Came here in 1783-he had a company in the Black Poiners. Has now half Pay. Resides at Parsburgh. Refers to Capt. McKenzie.
No. 1. He had 142/76 acres in Amboy purchased by Claimant in 1763. Produces a Survey with two Lots marked with Claimant's name-Containing the Quantity of acres above mentioned. Says he paid 736 pounds for these two Lots and a third lot of 117 acres which he has since sold. Says he gave a great price, it was then Chiefly Woodland, he cleared a good deal on the price he sold the rest.Was Wood Land. Says Wood land was very valuable then. He used to send wood to New York and Amboy. Values it at 400 pounds. Jersey.
No. 2. Had 561 acres in South Amboy. Produces Deed from Nicholas Evanson and James Milvan of 561 acres in South Amboy to Eyre Evans Crowe in Consideration 1109 pounds Currnt. Proclamation money dated 1766.
Claimant says he bought the place for his brother. His brother was in England. Says in his claim sent home he mentions this Estate and claimed it in his Brother's name. Claimant expected his Brother would come out to America and bought thisEstate for him. Says he bought the Estate very cheap. He paid the money which his Brother reimbursed, he had made great Improvements upon it.
Produces copy of Inquisition against him and order to sell Claimants Real Estate. The Estate was sold in Consequence of his Conviction. Values the Estate at 300 pounds more than he gave for it. His brother lives in Tydenham-he writes to him at Mr. Bombacks No. 16 Shelburne Lane, London.
No. 3. 327 acres in Pensilvania Cumberland Co. Produces Deed from John Young to Claimant of 337 acres on the delawre in Consideration of 120 pounds dated 1767. There was a house and some Improvements. Had a Soldiers Right in New York Government. Produces Deed from Ed. Low to Claimt. Of his Right on Lake Champlain for 5 pounds dated 1766, nothing was done upon it. Had an order for survey for 2,000 acres in New York Gover. as an officer last war.
Claimant lived at No. 2. He had a large stock there. Three yoke of oxen-six horses-twelve sheep-Farming Utensils-Furniture-Stone Ware worty 100 pounds. He has given a more particular account in his clainm sent home. He left these behind when he was sent to prison. The Rebels took them off.
He had a Kiln and large Shop. The Kiln cost 50 pounds building. He carried on the Stone Ware Business at his own expense. His Brother had nothing to do with this.
Produces affadavit from Samuel Warne to Claimants Loyalty and Property. Ditto from Isaac Bonnell and Certificate to the Credibility of Samuel Warne.

Eyre Evans Crowe. Sworn.

Says he lodged a Claim for his Brother and another for himself. He has not appeared to be examined on his own Claim.
Richard Robert Crowe was examined at Halifax and there gave an account of his Loss of 561 acres in South Amboy, which appears to have been purchased in the name of Eyre Evans Crowe. Witness says he is willing this should go under his Brothers Claim.
His reason for not coming to be examined was not having evidence to prove his title. He had remitted money to his Brother to make a Purchase intending to have gone there himself.
It appears by an Entry in the Commissioners Book that he attended at the Board in January 1787 and said he waited for Papers from America.
313. CROWE, JOEL W homesteaded as follows:
Land Office: NEW ULM Sequence #:
Document Number: 1879 Total Acres: 80
Misc. Doc. Nr.: 365 Signature: Yes
Canceled Document: No Issue Date: January 27, 1873
Mineral Rights Reserved: No Metes and Bounds: No
Survey Date: Statutory Reference: 12 Stat. 392
Multiple Warantee Names: No Act or Treaty: May 20, 1862
Multiple Patentee Names: No Entry Classification: Homestead Entry Original
Legal Land Description:
# Aliquot Parts Block # Base Line Fractional Section Township Range Section #
1 W*NE 5TH PM No 107 N 18 W 2
314. Valentine newspaper, Oct 14, 1971.
315. Chelan County, Washington Marriage Index to 12/31/93. Obtained from the courthouse in Wenatchee.
316. Savary, A.W.,"Supplement to the History of the County of Annapolis", 1913, William Briggs, Toronto.

Land Grant in Nova Scotia to William Raymond and others 10,160 acres in the Township of Parrsborough, County of Kings including a grant of Lot #13, 700 acres to Crowe, Richard Robert (Capt)

Loyalists and Land Settlement in Nova Scotia
Public Archives of Nova Scotia
Publication No 4 Halifax 1937

Name Date Situation Acres Origin or Rank
Crowe, Robert Richard 1787 Parrsborough Township 700 Captain

December 28 1997
From: "Clemm/Susan Larsen" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 17:57:36 -3000Nova Scotia land grant maps # 41 @ 42 show the following:
Lib 4 Fol 301 No. 565
Capt. Robert Richard Crow, 700 acres.
This grant appears to be 45 rods,(742.5 ft) wide and abt 7 3/4 miles long. It starts at the shore of the Minas Channel and runs NNWesterly almost to Apple River. At the Channel it straddles the
Fowler Brook which is the division line between the villages of Allenville and Fraserville. I have never heard of Crow(e)s here. Any interesting info would be appreciated.
Cheers and Happy New Year.
Clemm Larsen,
Wards' Brook, N.S.1
318. Loa Titman from an interview with Evelyn Ayers., “news flash,” 6/27/01.
319. Crowe Reunion 2001, Elks Club, Penticton, BC. July 13, 14, 15 2001.
320. Conversation with Patricia Ann Young, 7/15/2001.
321. Harry Mercer, “Family Tree,” 7/16/2001.
322. E. O. Jameson, 1884, The Cogswells in America, ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, Boston, Starting with the Cogswells in England from 1580 to 1635. Dating up to the late 1800's. Ten generations with 2500 names,
323. Ray Henry, Ann Arbor, MI, Posted Feb 15, 2001, Copied Jul 30, 2001,
324. Anne Tackaberry notes, including a letter from Wm Tackaberry, husband of Sarah Parish.
Given to me on 3/30/1995.
325. Email obituary for Mary Lois (Prin) Johnson Hassett sent by Syndi Dunne, August 6, 2001.
326. email from Frandy Johnson August 6, 2001
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 20:34:07 -0400
From: Frandy Johnson <>
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Steve Johnson <>
Subject: Re: Johnsons and Crowes
One thing I noticed was that Lucy and my daughter's name is listed
wrong-- she is Allison Sarah Hartry note 2 "L" in Allison and no Johnson last name.
327. From by James Duncan True. August 9. 2001

This page is maintained by
James D. True
© Edward K. & Mildred True, and James D. True
Last update August 7, 1999
328. Arkansas Marriages,
329. Beatrice, NE directory, 1893-4,
330. Notes from, and conversations with, Katherine Olive Johnson, 2001.

Also, Circular five generation family tree for Courant and Miller.
331. "Kay Bennett" <> Corrections to family history
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 12:32:27.
332. "Tom & Nita Cragg" <>
Nita Drummond Cragg
I just stumbled onto your page "Ancestors of Steve Johnson's Grandchildren" and was amazed to find the number of Tackaberrys listed there. Fossey Tackaberry was my great-great grandfather.    His son John was my great- grandfather and John's daughter Ina Tackaberry Drummond was my dad's mother.
Would you mind sharing your Tackaberry information with me. I have researched this family for several years and am stuck at Fossey. I do have a lot about him and his descendents but am unable to figure out your connection.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Nita Drummond Cragg
20 August 2001
333. 1880 Census CD set. Wisconsin, Waushara Co, Oasis, Dist 187.
334. Arthur Bruce Green-Beers, 9/3-5/01, From:
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 23:28:26 EDT
Subject: Re: Welcome

Thanks, Steve, for the mailing list.  Two corrections: David Green's wife's
name is Victoria, not Deanna.  Bruce Green's last name is
Beers-Green (changed after I married Sharon Beers).

Saludos, Bruce

Yes, I'm Arthur Clair Green's (oldest) son.  His wife is Nancy. I'm Arthur
BRUCE Beers-Green (Green).  My wife is Sharon Eleanor Beers-Green (maiden
name= Beers).  We combined our names after our marriage.  My daughter is
Naomi Rinah Beers-Green Clancy (husband= Rafael Clancy).  My son is Arlen
Bruce Beers-Green.

My brother next in line is David Barclay Green with wife Victoria.  Next is
Richard Lee Green, wife= Denise.  Next is Marian Green Hofstein, husband=

Hope that clarifies things some.   Bruce

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 00:48:29 EDT
Subject: Re: Welcome

Whoops, for some reason I only read the first two paragraphs of your email.  
Here's some more info for you:

email: Marian and Michael Hofstein=
         Naomi Beers-Green Clancy and Rafael=

corrections:  1. Please list me as Beers-Green
     2. category 10. Arthur BRUCE Beers-Green
           married Camilla Faye Kerns in  CUZCO, Peru
           married Sharon Beers in EUGENE, OR

     3. category 12. Richard married Kristy Sexton in SALEM, OR.

     4. category 13. Marian married GEORGE Wegner...

     5. Family of Arthur BRUCE Beers-Green and Sharon Beers
           16. NRBG born in EUGENE, OR
           17. ABBG born in ALBUQUERQUE, NM

There!   Saludos, Bruce
335. Naomi Rinah Beers-Green Clancy, “Beers-Green Family,” 24 Nov 2001.
336. From Mary Louise Johnson Rogers, email, 11/27/2001
Augusta Lived with her daughter Marion Patrick in Shawnee,Oklahoma .Marion's husband had a string of grocery stores They had two daughters Molly-o and Diedre. I have written in and addressbook that diedre must be Mrs.Dwaine Morse...2535. Anacopa street Santa Barbara,Ca.93105. Since it has a zip number, it can't be too old....but it is certainly from some time before MamaDoll's death.Phone805-6821657 There is one here for Mrs.M.C.Patrick 11083 Ophir Drive,Los Angeles,90024 Phone 213-478-3836.I am sure Marion has been dead a long time. Hope this gives you a lead of some kind.
337. From:
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 22:38:37 EST
Subject: (no subject)

Recently I found the family of Woodard States while searching for member of
my father's family in Ohio. My GGGGrandfather had a daughter named Arrena.
They lived close to the States family in Ashland County. I think Arrena
(Irene) may have married Woodard's son Thomas. I have been trying to find
the daughters names for several years. I recieved a copy of Jacob
Underhill's will a few weeks ago and found her name. The Underhills were
Quakers from New York. Do you have any information on Thomas H. States b
2/20/1816? I read that the family moved to Iowa and then to Nebraska. Thank
you for your time.
Geri Underhill Oster
338. From: "Dick Johnson" <>
To: "steve johnson" <>
Subject: FW: still time for book entry
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 07:32:36 -0800
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Importance: Normal
Status: RO

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Johnson []
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:05 PM
To: Dave & Loa Titman
Subject: RE: still time for book entry


I'll send you a follow up on the clarifications. Attached are some photos and scanned documents. I will send this in three parts because of the size.
1. My family - wife Sheri and the twins, Matthew and Sarah. Taken in 1995 aboard the Majesty of the Seas cruise ship during our Caribbean vacation.
2. 1923 Johnson family photo at Friend, Nebraska. The photo has a slice in it. On back of picture it says: Back row - Karl, Grandfather J., Al II, Cousin Virginia Young, Steve, Mother; Second row - Lois, Mary Louise, Donald. The photo is dated 1923.
3. Another Johnson family photo. Unfortunately, the photo is undated and no captions. But, it is a great shot of my Mother, Mama Doll and the Major. STEVE, can you fill in some of the people? It looks like the late forties or early fifties.
4. A scan from the 1946 Lincoln, Nebraska paper announcing that my father, Donald Johnson, had returned from the Japanese POW camps.
5. A scan of the 1945 Western Union telegram announcing that my father, Donald Johnson, was liberated.

regards, Dick

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave & Loa Titman []
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 7:10 PM
To: Dick Johnson
Subject: Re: still time for book entry

Hi again- thanks for your quick reply. BUT, I still need a few clarifications:
1.Did you attend elementary and high school in New Mexico and New York? if not where?
2. Who do you work for?
3. Sheri is a Senior Office Manager with who?
4. Have you as a family a favorite place to collect rocks? (we have some interesting limestones with fossils if you'd like to come up and visit! We live and farm 50 miles east of Saskatoon, Sask.)
5.Have you any memorable times while living in Venezuela?
6.Where was your sister Annalee born? does she have a middle name?
7. What was her former husband's first name?
8. What are the birthdates and years of her children:
9. What is Diana's former husbands first name?(this is to keep the charts straight)
10.She is a Loans Officer for what firm?
11. and just if not most importantly: Have you or are you able to send any photos of any of your family or of your sisters??Scanned e-mailed photos work well, just send as an attatchment.
Looks like the snow is here to stay. It snowed Friday about 3 inches, so it is quite bright out. We could use the moisture for next spring, we were droughted out this past summer. I'll enclose the entry I have for my oldest daughter to give an idea of what has been done by way of stories.She won't be able to come home until Jan. 1st and she should be getting a week's holidays. Krys is a manager for La Senza, a ladies lingerie store. It's a seven hour drive to Calgary from here so you need a weekend for sure to come and visit.
Anyways, thank you for your input-this is better than getting bills in the mail!.
as ever,


Krystlle was born on May 19, 1976 in St. Paul’s Hospital, at Saskatoon, Sask., the oldest child of Dave and Loa Titman. Being the oldest of the family was a huge responsibility that she took very seriously. Whether it was baby-sitting the other two or being the one to make the first decision, she took it in her stride. Krys took her schooling seriously. She worked for her grades but did manage to get on the honor role through high school. Krys received the proficiency award in grades 9-12. She took all her elementary and high school at Viscount Central School. A big change occurred in grade nine when the two neighboring towns of Meacham and Plunkett closed their doors (the price of amalgamation) and all those students from K-12 were bused to the newly renovated school in Viscount. The class sizes were still small (20) but it was a new experience for Krystlle. Fortunately meeting people and making friends is one of her strong points. Krys was active on the yearbook. Krys and her Dad drove to night classes together one fall and winter session at Kelsey Institute in Saskatoon, Sask. Krys, in Grade 11, took a computer course in Pagemaker. Dave took a class in Lotus- a spread sheet program. Hers was too basic and Dave’s was , well, not as easy. Krys and Dave both completed their respective courses. In Grade 12 Krys lent her expertise to the computerized point tallies etc. at Griffiths Stadium in Saskatoon for the district track meet.

Birthdays were always a family affair, with Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins coming. Grandma Titman could always be counted on to bring a huge angel food cake with lots of icing . Krystlle was quite fortunate that everyone lived very close together. In grade nine she invited all the girls from her grade to a sleep over. It was wall to wall sleeping bags. Not too much sleeping got done that night!

One time Krys decided that she wanted to take gymnastics. So, her Dad made her a balance beam out of odds and ends around the farm. That satisfied her urge for that. Krys was the official grass mower, starting at age nine. Then Paul took over later on. Krys did a lot of baby-sitting for the neighbors. All that practising with her younger siblings paid off.

Krys wanted to take piano lessons. But we didn’t own a piano. Then fate intervened. Elwood and Marian Nelson, neighbors, had a piano of his Mother’s that needed a home. Would we like to use it? No rent , just use it and look after it. Of course we would! Krys took piano lessons from Penny Joynt in Meacham. She took four music years in two. She then decided that was enough of the formal stuff. At least she had an appreciation for the classics. This past year she attended one of the last performances of Karen Kain, Canada’s prima ballerina. It was a memorable experience.

Krys was the baker in the house. Chocolate always had to be on hand for fudge, brownies or chocolate cake that were quite often in the making. She was a dedicated 4-H member taking sewing, money management and self determined projects. The skills learned there have carried over all through her life. Krys has always sewn, whether for herself or others. Graduation saw her design and make her own grad gown both in grade 12 and for convocation. Figure skating was a pastime that she and her cousin Melissa Morelli enjoyed together. Krys was a junior instructor for two years. In grade 12 she started working part time at Fanny’s Fabrics in Saskatoon. It was a learning experience. In the summer, many an hour was spent roguing the pedigreed seed fields. This experience eventually led to a summer job with Agriculture Canada as a fieldcrop inspector, a pretty responsible position for an eighteen year old. But Krys applied her experience and mature attitude to it like everything else. The one aspect of the job Krys disliked was all that eating alone in restaurants. She also learned that when a producer said "one of the ‘boys’ will show you which fields to inspect," the ‘boys’ usually turned out to be old! Then there was the summer Krys and her Dad worked together at the potash mine. Krys had received the company bursary from Central Canada Potash; as a recipient, she was entitled to a summer job at the mine. This was after her first year at university.

Krys took part in the young Student’s commission program . This saw her go to Ottawa, Ontario for a week. There, youth from across Canada explored what it is to be Canadian.

Krys writes: ‘In Grade 8, the rock group ‘Motley Crue’ came to Sask. Place in Saskatoon, Sask. A girlfriend and I decided to go to the ‘big show’. Dad dropped us off and told us to be good. He’d pick us up after the show. Well, we were sorta good, but we never did see the whole show. The two cleanest and straightest kids in the building got kicked out by the third song! All because we were standing on the chairs (so we could see the show). But we had fun in the parking lot visiting with all the other ‘bad’ people who got kicked out. Dad was so proud of us that he took us out for dessert!’

After grade 12 Krys wanted to attend university but wasn’t quite sure what to take. It was suggested that she attend the College of Agriculture. It was a close -knit college with fourth years looking after the newcomers. So it was off to her first place away from home. ‘I’m a big girl now.’ Unfortunately, this was not the course of study for her. Now it was farther afield to Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alta. Krys enrolled in a pilot course called: Applied Degree in Small Business and Entreprenuership. It was the first of its kind offered by the College. The students had a lot of input about improving classes and instructors; therefore, a better course has emerged. In June 1998, after three intensely packed years, Krys received her degree. After working part-time for Fanny’s Fabrics for the last three years, she felt it was time to take on a new challenge in careers.

Krystlle writes:

After Fanny’s I left to work for Reitman’s where I stayed for 21/2 years. During that time I worked my way from Sales Associate to Senior Sales to Assistant to finally Manager of my own store. I then decided to try working in an office, what a mistake that was. The hours were great compared to retail but I hated sitting at a desk and communicating to people through e-mail, fax and voice mail. Sitting all day wasn’t my thing. After a couple of months I decided to go back into retail. This time I joined the La Senza team (a lingerie company). I am currently managing their Sunridge location (Calgary, Alta) and loving it. The company is excellent to work for and I have a wonderful staff of girls working for me. I am always on the go, as there is never a slow time with this company. Christmas was definitely a different experience, I’ve seen a company go through so many gift boxes!!

My store keeps me very busy, even on days off, but I still find time for fun. After all these years I still enjoy cooking and baking. My baking is now enjoyed by the girls at work. When I get time off I enjoy reading and spending time with my friends. If I’m lucky I get enough time off to go home.

Working with lingerie is an enjoyable experience. I always have crazy customer stories to tell. It’s amazing the things a customer will tell you. They figure because you know their bra size, they can tell you anything, no matter how personal. The men are always memorable; we find that boyfriends know exactly what size they need; husbands don’t. Interestingly, I notice the size being bought is the is the size of the girl who sold it, because the husband thought his wife was that same size.

I have a full and busy life, but , I am still looking for that special someone who will get first dibs on my chocolate brownies.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>Dick Johnson
To: <>Dave & Loa Titman
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 5:33 AM
Subject: RE: still time for book entry


I updated your data sheets below. Hope this helps. I would like a copy of the family history.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave & Loa Titman []
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 12:52 PM
To: Richard David Johnson
Subject: still time for book entry

Hi- I received your name from Steve Johnson. I am compiling the famuily history book. I'm sending the entries I have for your family. I haven't any photos would you please send ( or someone in family) some via e-mail attachment? thank you. I need this fairly quickly by next Friday is the deadline I'm giving myself to have all of the info in before printing the book. It will be done by Chritmas.
If interested in a copy i'ts $40.00 CDN plus postage.
to contact: Loa Titman Box 44 Viscount, Sask. Canada S0K 4M0  <> 1-306-944-4236

DONALD Frederick JOHNSON (Duke)  Donald, the sixth child of Mary Louise and Rodney Johnson, was born Aug.4, 1920 in Crete, Saline Co. , Nebraska. Duke  died on Nov.21, 1972; he was 52.    He is buried in Willamette National Cemetary in Oregon. Donald obtained his education at Friend, Nebraska. Donald was on the Friend High School track team. He was awarded a school letter in track for the 1936-1937 season. ( From The Friend Sentinel, Apr 23, 1936).

where did he die?      Ridgecrest, CA  

Career US Army.   Enlisted in the the Field Artillery with the regular army when he was 18 and served in Hawaii, Australia and Java outside the continental United States. He was in Java with the 26th Field Artillery Brigade and the  131st Field Artillery in 1942 shortly after Pearl Harbor. In June 1942 the War Department informed his parents that he was missing in action.  

Donald left for Camp Stoneman, Calif., after visiting his mother and other relatives. He informed The Sentinel that he was being prepared for overseas duty. From The Friend Sentinel, May 7 1936.

Sgt. 1st Class, RA 6930933. Lived in Olympia, WA, 1957. Lived in Sparks, Nevada in 1963.

He was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. In WWII he spent 42 months(1942-1945) in Singapore and Burma as a Japanese prisoner of war. He was stationed on the western end of Java at the time of the island's surrender to the Japanese on March 8,1942. The island fell shortly after the Battle of the Java Sea in which the American Cruiser Houston was lost. He was declared missing in action in June 1942. He was sent to a prison camp in Batavia, then to a camp in Changi on Singapore Island, and then to Burma (primarily in the area between Bangkok and Moulmein), where he was forced to work on the Burma-Thailand railroad under Japanese guards. Twenty-five to twenty-eight percent of the prisoners died through sickness, starvation and overwork. A POW card came from Duke through the Imperial Japanese Army in early 1945. This was the first indication his family had that he was still alive. However, they always believed he was alive and never lost hope.  At that time he was at War Prisoner's Camp #3, Nike, Thailand. It was located approximately 135 miles southeast of Moulmein, Burma, and approximately 70 miles northeast of Tavoi, Thailand. Most of the prisoners came from the 131st Field Artillery and the Cruiser Houston. He was liberated in Bangkok, Thailand by American troops on 30 Aug 1945 and evacuated to a hospital in Calcutta, India.

During the Korean War he was serving with the 7th Military Police Company, 7th Infantry Division in January 1953. He described the battle line at that time as steady but with patrols and small attacks with some casualties. He was working road patrol and moving infantry up to the line.

did he ever write down some of his war time experiences? could you share them?

On 10 Apr 1946 when Duke was 25, he married Dolores Agnes Feltl, daughter of Richard Feltl & Mary Elizabeth Bloberger, in Kansas City, Kansas. She was born on Jan. 21, 1925 in Hopkins, Minnesota. They had three children:  Richard David (Dick),  Annalee, and Diana Mary.


Dick, the first child of Duke and Dolores Johnson, was born May 8, 1949 at Ft. Lewis, Pierce Co.,Washinton.  Dick obtained an M.S. in Applied Mathematics at the State University of New York at Stonybrook, New York and a B.S. in Physics at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Dick married Sheri and they had a set of twins: Matthew and Sarah.

Sheri Ann (Knox) and maiden name?

birthdate , year, place? Feb 17, 1963 at Huntington Park, CA    

when and where married?  Nov 4, 1989 at China Lake, CA  

any other children?  No

where living now?   136 W. Mojave Rose Ave. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 

Dick's occupation?   Mathematician  

Dick's hobbies/ interests?   Hiking, Skiing, Rock Collecting, Cub Scout Leader  

Dick's stories from childhood?[Dick Johnson] Spent several years in Caracas, Venezuela when my father was stationed there with the US Army Mission to Venezuela. 

where Dick went to school?[Dick Johnson] New Mexico & New York 

Sheri's occupation? Senior Office Manager

Sheri's hobbies/interests? Hiking, Girl & Cub Scout Leader, Cake Decorating


Matthew, the first twin of Richard and Sheri, was born June 30, 1992.

Matthew- middle name?     Richard 

place of birth?     Lancaster, CA  

special interests?     Hiking, Cub Scouts, Basketball   

hobbies?     Rock Collecting, Coin Collecting  

school attending?    Immanuel Christian School 


Sarah, the second twin born to Richard and Sheri, was born June 30, 1992.

middle name?     Ann 

place of birth?     Lancaster, CA  

special interests?     Hiking, Girl Scouts, Dance

hobbies?     Rock Collecting, Spoon Collecting  

school attending?    Immanuel Christian School 


Annalee is the second child of Duke  and Dolores Johnson.

Annalee -where born date and year?[Dick Johnson] April 2, 1951 

occupation?      Registered Nurse  

hobbies?    Horses, Hiking, Rock Collecting 

where living ?? Raleigh, North Carolina

Husband's full name?     Divorced

birthdate and year?

his occupation?

Charlotte Lahman, the 1st born daughter of Annalee Lahman 

Christina Lahman, the 2nd born daughter of Annalee Lahman

Brittany Lahman, the 3rd born daughter of Annalee Lahman   


Diana, the third  child of Duke and Dolores Johnson married a Rogers. She obtained her BA in 1980 at California State College, Bakersfield, Ca. They are living at Monument, Colorado.

Diana- birthdate and year? where born? January 30, 1959 in Caracas, Venezuela 

occupation?     Loan Officer  

where living?     Monument, Colorado  

Hobbies interests?     Yoga, Hiking, Rock Climbing 

stories of childhood?

Husband's full name?     Divorced 

birthdate and year?

his occupation?

children?     None  
339. Rua Barker letter received Dec 8, 2001.
340. Sandy Wunder,, Cheyenne
Just wanted to say thank you again for posting the info on the
Tackaberry/Parish connection on your website. If you hadn't, I'd never
have found new cousins and a fantastic family story! Sarah Parish was
the sister of my husb's 3rd gr grfather, Hiram Parish. When Larry &
Anne sent me a copy of William Tackaberry's story, I was able to
identify every single person in it--both those named and those referred
to by relationships! Of course that's after nearly 15 yrs of research,
too! But what a genealogy find!!!

I've re-typed it into WordPerfect, printed it out, added explanations
for those who don't know the family inside out like I do, added a couple
of maps and am sending it to many of my husband's distant Parish cousins
as a Christmas surprise. Then I added another few pages of info on
Eliada Parish Fraser & his family, who was mentioned in the Tackaberry
story as a cousin to came to William's father's funeral. I volunteer at
the library (in genealogy) with his gr gr grandson (who I found
accidentally back in Feb. thru another Google search!).

Anyway, if you ever want to add more on the Parish side, I have info on
more generations back, plus all of Sarah's siblings. Have sent some
info to Anne & Larry but didn't want to overwhelm them since they don't
do genealogy. Did send them Eliada Parish's will which named "Sally",
who was unmarried when her father died in early 1832. This family had
another Tackaberry connection, also, as Sarah's brother Eber Parish
married Anne Tackaberry, William's sister. Eber also died in early
1832 and Anne remarried to Philip Yates. However, Eber & Anne did have
a daughter Chloe.

Thanks again and happy holidays!

Sandy Wunder
341. Sandy Wunder, Family Group Record, received 12/17/2001.
342. Pedigree Resource File - CD11
343. Tackaberry Famil Bible, in possession of Margorie Rogers Tackaberry.
344. 1900 Census, Iowa, Woodbury Co, Sioux City, 3rd Ward.
345. George Gilpatrick <>, “Ora is my grandfather, and George is my father.. do,” 3/3/2002.
346. Lynn Sheren <>
Subject: [NHROCKIN] HAMPTON - Stephen Bachiler and the SANBORN'S 1632-1860

I am new to the list. I have looked at two great sites, the Lane Memorial Library and the Marston Manor sites.

I believe that I have found that I am descended from Stephen Bachiler, through his daughter Ann Bachiler and her husband John Sanborn; and their son Nathaniel and his wife, Rebecca Prescott; their son Richard and his wife Elizabeth Batchelder; and their son Moses and his wife Pricilla Sherburne; and their son Peter and his wife Abigail Dow; and his son Ela and his wife Clarissa Davis; and their son Ela and his wife Delia Hamilton, and their daughter, Cora Sanborn.

Or as I understand it should be put: Cora 9, Ela 8, Ela 7, Peter 6, Moses 5, Richard 4, Nathaniel 3, John 2, Stephen 1.

I am trying to find out what books, or combinations of books, most accurately trace the lines mentioned above. I realize that genealogical research is a process of refining and correcting errors.

I am starting with Cora Sanborn and working back and trying to obtain proofs of my family connection. Generations 9 and 8 are proven. Generation 7, I am working on. Generation 7 through 1, are in the IGI and some are in the Ancestral File on the LDS Family Search Site. Generations 5 through 1, are in the Hampton Historical information on the on line sites that I mentioned above.

Is anyone working on Ela 7 or Peter 6? Or any of the above?

And for those who have read this far, I thank you for your time. Any assistance is appreciated.

Lynn Sheren
347. From
Resent-Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:00:31 -0700
X-Original-Sender: Mon Mar 25 22:00:23 2002
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 00:00:16 EST
Subject: [NHROCKIN] Bethia Tuck(e) and John Marston
X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/953

In a message dated 3/25/02 6:42:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Hi All
> I am wondering if someone has the children of Bethia Tuck (1682-1703) and
> John Marston (1680-1730)
> Thanks in advance!
> Leslie in NC

Leslie--I have a death date for Bethia Tuck of 25 July 1755. This came from
Joseph Dow's Tuck Genealogy, p. 24. Bethia couldn't have died in 1703, as
you have indicated, as she had children as late as 1722. They were all born
in Hampton as follows:

Bethia, b. 17 Nov 1704
Benjamin, b. 7 Dec 1707
Mary, b. 7 Sep 1710
John, b. 21 July 1713
Abial, b. 30 Sep 1722

If anyone has information that would change the above dates, please let me
know and provide the sources as well.

348. From: "Natalie Rickner" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Johnson, Edmund
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 23:29:06 -0500
X-Priority: 3

Hi Steve, I have been trying to catch up on e-mails and came across one you
sent to the Rockingham list in August 2001 - I am slow.

Edmund Johnson is also my 8G Grandfather. His son James & Sarah Daniels had
a daughter Hannah who married Joseph Shaw. Their daughter Jerusha married
Caleb Locke and so on down to me.

Just wanted to say hello.

Natalie M. Rickner
349. From: "James Pylant" <> (Stephensville, TX)
To: "Steve Johnson" <>
Subject: Re: Capt. Richard Robert Crowe
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 16:21:49 -0500

Dear Steve,

Thanks for your reply on the Crowes. 

Eyre Crowe died on 17 February 1872 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. His death certificate, no. 01000 (Vol. 1, p. 7), states Eyre Evan Crowe, Sea Captain, was born 8 October 1774, Staten Island, to Robert Richard Crowe and Anna Willson. His wife's maiden name is given as Mary Morrison.

On 16 May 1820, Richard Robert Crowe, Esq., of Kings County, Nova Scotia, sold his 250-acre tract near Bear Creek, in Annapolis County, to Eyre E. Crowe for 100 pounds currency. This land is almost certainly the same 250-acre Annapolis County tract that John Christopher Wagner sold to R. Richard Crow Esq  on 9 November 1785. Wagner acknowledged receipt of 30 Guineas as full payment from Richard Robert Crow Esq ten days later.

The marriage record of Eyre Crowe and Mary Morrison, in Annapolis County, states that he was the son of "Robt. Crowe." The births of children Eyre E. (born 20 March 1835) and Mary (born 3 August 1836) are also recorded. Eyre, wife Mary and children Eyre (age 25) and Mary (age 23) are shown on the 1860 Census of Waushara County, Wisconsin, living next to Gideon Crowe. Gideon, age 27, born in Nova Scotia, is enumerated next to the household of Richard R. Crowe (age 51, born in Nova Scotia), which included Mary (age 49), William, Mary, Thompson, Richard, Adeline, Harriet, George, and Burton. Interestingly, all of these children are named in the Cogswell genealogy.   

The Cogswell genealogy also states Richard R. Crowe, son of Ezra E. Crowe and Penelope Murray, was born in Horton, N. S. However, I found no such record in the Horton township book. I've even wondered if the Cogswell's Ezra E. Crowe was really Eyre E. Crowe. Have you found this mysterious Ezra E. outside of the Cogswell book?

Richard R. Crowe (Eyre's neighbor in 1860) was the father of Thompson P. Crowe, born in April of 1837 in Nova Scotia. Thompson moved to Wisconsin with Ezra E. Crowe, Jr., but later he settled in Warren County, Tennessee. The 1900 Federal Census for Warren County shows Thompson P. Crowe, born April 1837 in Nova Scotia. (The Cogswell book shows 23 April 1837 as Thompson P.'s birth date.)

My connection to the Crowes is by marriage. Thompson P. was the great-grandfather of my cousins, Jerry Crowe and Gloria (Crowe) Burton.

Again, thanks for answering.



<> <---- my website

----- Original Message -----

From: <>Steve Johnson
To: <>James Pylant
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Capt. Richard Robert Crowe

Captain RRC was a Loyalist, was an officer in the British Army before the revolution. He served at the Plains of Abraham. RRC lost his property in NJ and spent time in jail. Got out of jail, went to NY and joined with the Brits. After war he was awarded land in Nova Scotia, in Parrsborough. Later settled in Horton Twp, Kings Co... Does this sound like your Richard Robert?

My cousin Peggy in Yakima has RRC's sword, passed down through William, Wilson Evans, Frederick Charles to Margaret Jane (Peggy).

Our family has many letters showing the relationship of RRC as father of William and Eyre. But the proof that Ezra is a son of Ezra eludes me. I have great circumstantial evidence, including Cogswells in America.

What proof did you find showing that Eyre Evans was a son of RRC? Sounds interesting.

I have never heard that Eyre Evans, son of the above RRC, went west. How do you know he is the correct Eyre Evans? Also interesting! Many Crowes did go west, and many have given names in common.

Please tell me more about the death certificate of Eyre Evans. What year did he die? Where?

Please tell me some about yourself. A story about me is on my web page,

We have a big family reunion every three years, next in Montreal, 2003.

Thanks for writing, Hope to hear from you again.



Your website shows that Captain Richard Robert Crowe was the father of William B. Crow, Eyre Evans Crowe, and Ezra E. Crowe < I've found documentation that Richard Robert was Eyre's father, but I didn't know that he was also the father of William and Ezra. Do you know the source of this information?

I've found William B. in the Horton, Nova Scotia, township book, Ezra E. in The Cogswells in America, and Eyre E. in the 1860 Census of Waushara County, Wisconsin. Also, the death certificate of Eyre Evan Crowe states that his mother's maiden name was Anna Willson. If you have any information showing the kinship from Richard Robert to William B. and Ezra, I would very much like to hear from you.
350. 4/9/02

Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey Vol22
351. IGI V 4.02,
M584191 1720-1881 0928972 Film
352. Name: Eyre Evan Crowe
Death Date: 17 Feb 1872
County: Fond Du Lac
Volume: 01
Page: 0007
Reel: 026
Image: 1000
Index Volume: -
Sequence #: 071239

<;db=wideath1820>; <>;
Wisconsin Vital Records Death Index.
Land Office: STEVENS POINT Sequence #: 1
Document Number: 7967 Total Acres: 160
Misc. Doc. Nr.: Signature: Yes
Canceled Document: No Issue Date: September 01, 1857
Mineral Rights Reserved: No Metes and Bounds: No
Survey Date: Statutory Reference: 3 Stat. 566
Multiple Warantee Names: No Act or Treaty: April 24, 1820
Multiple Patentee Names: No Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entries

Legal Land Description:
# Aliquot Parts Block # Base Line Fractional Section Township Range Section #
354. Ed Devine (Ed Prichard)
From: "Ed Devine" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Edward J. Devine" <>
Subject: PRICHARD FAMILY TREE - Edgar Elbert Prichard
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 17:06:53 -0400
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Importance: Normal

Hello Cousin Steve,

Well after 38 years of searching for the truth we now have the facts. I've
attached a few articles of fact. I hope you enjoy reading them. The Prichard
family is spread out over a few states; Missouri, Michigan, Indiana, and
Arkansas. Are decent is French, Irish and Cherokee Indian.


Cousin Ed


Below are the names of Edgar's parents

Clyde E. Prichard - 12/29/1919 - present
Rosie Hill - deceased

List below are the syblings of Edgar Prichard in order of birth -

James Edward Prichard - 61 present age(still living)
- married to Shirley and current residence is Downers Grove, Illinois.
Clyde (Bud) Prichard - 60 present age (still living)
- married to Margie and current residence is Tulsa Ok.
Edgar Elbert Prichard - 08/04/1943 - current age 58 (still living)
- divorced and current residence is SanDiego CA.
Ruby L. Prichard - 02/23/45 - 10/28/01 (deceased at age 45)
- married to Franklin, who is now deceased
William C . Prichard - DOB unknown
- divorced, current residence is Fort Scott Kansas.
Gail Prichard - 51 - present age (still living)
- married to Webster Davalut and current residence is Cartersville, GA
Jimmie Dale Prichard - 45 - present age
- married to Carmen and current residence is Farmington, MO.

Marriages -

Edgar Elbert Prichard -08/04/1943
Katherine Elizabeth Johnson - 09/19/1946

Married in Beverly Hills - 02/14/1963
Divorced - 03/11/1965

Children from marriage (2) -

Edward James Devine - 09/01/1963 - present
- married Sharon Lynette Peppers - 06/27/1992 - present
- children (1) David Christopher Devine - 11/01/1993 - present

Pamela Jo Todaro - 02/27/1965 - present
- not married
- Children (1) Logan Charles - 01/17/1991 - present
355. Michigan Deaths, 1971-96

Death Date: 15 August 71
Birth Date: 21 November 21
Gender: Female Residence: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Place of Death: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
356. From:
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 11:15:22 EDT
Subject: Re: Norman family tree

In a message dated 5/27/2002 2:15:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

The father of Henry T. was Noah.
Henry T. was born 15 Jul 1843
Henry T. had a son named Noah
Noah had a son named Noah

That's my family!
Noah Norman (1) 1806 - 1885 (co-founded Fulton KY)
Henry Thomas Norman 1843-1890
Noah Norman (II) 1875-1962
Noah M. Norman 1913-1973 (My father)

Will be more than happy to share information. I will try to scan and send the photo this week, am still trying to find my original negative I made 37 years ago of the composite shot of all 4 mentioned above. An aunt (my father's sister - Mabel Bryant), did a family tree book but I do not have a copy of it.

Mike Noah Norman
357. Norman, Noah <>; View Image Online
Age: 44 Year:1920
Birthplace: Kentucky
Race: White
State: Missouri
County: Scott
Township: Sandywoods
358. 1850 U.S. Census • Kentucky • Fulton • Hickman

Norman, Noah <>; View Image Online
State: Kentucky
County: Fulton
Township: Hickman Twp
359. Williams and Related Familes Genealogy Page
Entries: 5741 Updated: Sun Feb 10 14:09:18 2002 Contact: Ronnie Williams <> Home Page: Williams and Related Families Genealogy Page

1920 U.S. Census - Nebraska
1920 U.S. Census • Nebraska • Fillmore • Exeter • ED# 24
361. From: "Ann Wagner" <>
To: <>
Subject: O'Dea Family
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 13:44:37 -0400
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Jun 2002 17:41:01.0398 (UTC) FILETIME=[A954EF60:01C20A5C]

My Grandfather was George O'Dea, GGrather John Gavin O'Dea & GGFather Andrew O'Dea. George married Elizabeth Clara Becker & they had 3 children Rose died in infancy & my Father Bernard O'Dea died in 1988, Aunt Frances died several years ago. I have a geneaology going back only to Andrew who immigrated to Ireland. Do you have any info further back? I can provide info to you on Georges brothers & sisters if you need it.
Ann O'Dea Wagner
362. Hi,
Reply-To: <>
From: "Fred Waltman" <>
To: <>
Subject: John F. Waltman
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 16:30:14 -0700
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Importance: Normal


My name is Fred Waltman and am very new to this genealogy stuff, so I
apologize if I am not doing this is the proper way.

I believe the John F. Waltman you have on your page (married to Bertie
Thurman) is the brother of my Great Grandfather (Elvis M. Waltman). The
dates of birth match and my Great Grandfather also lived in Arkansas
(West Helena, Dermont). If you would like more information on that
branch of the family, just let me know.


Fred Waltman
Marina del Rey, CA
363. From:
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 23:10:50 EDT
Subject: Just to let you know

Hello Steve,

I am Emily and Merritt Johnson's granddaughter and I would like you to know that I had a son on July 1, 2002.  His name is Nicholas Ryan Devine-Denegri.  Let me know if you need any other information for the family tree.

Hope all is well.

Jenifer Devine
364. Email from Toni Hendrickson, 12 Aug 2002.
365. From: <>Andy Reagle
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: Family Tree - Mildred Carollo

Hello Steve,

My name is Andy Reagle and I have been working on my family tree for about 16 months now. Our trees happened to collide at Mildred Carollo and Joe Rex Crowe. Unlike you, I chose not to publish my tree on the internet, because so many family members were concerned about publishing mother's maiden names, date and place of birth, etc. So I send out CD's to family members who want them (and have a computer). After learning of Mildred's death, I searched the internet, hoping to find an obituary and instead found your family tree.

Mildred Carollo (Crowe)

Mildred Carollo was the sister of my father-in-law Peter Carollo (living). She just passed away last Sunday 03/10/2002 in Redding, CA. She is to be buried in Redding, but we haven't heard any details yet. What I know of the Crowe's was told to me by my father-in-law and some of it clashes a bit with your data. Let's go over a few discrepancies.

I am curious about the fact that you show Joe Rex Crowe had a first wife named Neta Eddy and had a son with her. I was not aware of this.

You also show Joe Rex as "Living" yet I show he died in 1981.

Source: California Death Records
b. 06/04/1913 WASHINGTON 
mother CASTLE  
sex M 
d. 12/15/1981 SHASTA   
SSN 538-07-7237 
age 68 yrs 

Another thing that bothers me is Joe's brother. My father-in-law didn't know his real name because they always called him "Red". He says Red Crowe married Francis Quiro a girl who my father-in-law went to school with. My father-in-law had this photograph dated May 24, 1939...

From left to right... "Red" Crowe, Francis Quiro (Crowe), Mildred Carollo (Crowe), and Joe Crowe.

Note in the photo above,  Mildred is pregnant with Margaret who was born June 18, 1939. Francis also appears to be sporting a maternity blouse, but if she is pregnant, she is not nearly as far along as Mildred. I am not aware of any of Francis and Red's children. 

Your data only shows one brother of Joe Rex Crowe and he is listed as Don Clifford Crowe, but you don't show him ever married to Francis Quiro. Instead you have him married to Kathryn Ballone - with children. This raises the question, was Don Clifford the same man as "Red"?

Margaret Lorraine Crowe (Clifton) (Edson)

Would you check with your sources and see if together we can't clear this up. If need be, I can try to get ahold of Joe and Mildred's daughter Margaret. My mother-in-law has her telephone number. Just doesn't seem like a good time to call so soon after her mother died. I am sure she is busy with funeral arrangements, etc.


Andy Reagle
1200 Elmhurst Lane
Flower Mound, TX 75028
(972) 691-4040
366. As the Crowe Flies
Rex Omega (Jack) Crowe and Louie Emma (Eva) Castle Crowe
367. Dr. Peter Stebbins Craig,, February 2003
368. US/International Marriage Records 1340-1980
369. DAR Indiana, 2/11/2003
370. Hoye, Charles E., The Hoyes of Maryland, Sang Run, MD: C.E. Hoye, 1942, 283 pages.
371. “O’Dell book”, from Pat-T, FFAA, Friend Family Association of America, email 11 Feb 2003.
372. email from Pat-T, Patrice Dennet and Irene Dunlevy, 2/9/03
373. email from Pat-T, FFAA. Mark Andrew Friend, b. 1961, Arlington, TX, 2/9/2003, 2/11/2003
374. email Pat-T, FFAA, Joan Stoke and Ashcraft. 2/9/2003
375. email Pat-T, FFAA. Susan Ferguson, 2/11/2003
377. Ruth Ella Kruse Adams, Lemmon SD, notes obtained from Gilbert Public Library, Friend, NE, 1999.
378. Letter from Lorena King. Copy obtained from Gilbert Library in Friend, NE. 1999.
379. email from Pat-T, Mark Friend, 1/12/2003
380. WEB Page,, © 1996-2000 Jerry F Richmond, Downers Grove, IL.
381. Pat-T, email, Ralph DeWitt, 2/8/03.
382. FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0,
383. email from Catherine Bastedo-Boileau, <> or "pierre boileau" <>, 2/15/2003
Dear Steve,
I was very interested to come across your site today- a very accurate and helpful site. My name is Catherine Clare Bastedo-Boileau and I am listed on your page wc08/wc08_474.htm. To complete this page, my father Dr. Bastedo died on May 31, 1989 and my mother, Ruth Catherine Rogers, died on Dec. 27 1994. There is one other in our family, the eldest, Thomas Galbraith Bastedo, who should be listed. If you wish to continue with children of the four of us I would be glad to supply the information.

I am doing some research for a paper I may present at a conference of the Associaton of Canadian Studies on Niagara in April, on two early settlers of Niagara, Clarissa Van Slyke who married my ancestor Jacob Bastedo, and her sister Christiana Van Slyke who married Gilbert Tice. Would it be possible for you to e-mail me your reference no. 301, the Van Slyke family history. I am sure it would be helpful. Thank you very much.

Catherine Bastedo-Boileau
384. Peter Stebbins Craig, 1671 CENSUS of the DELAWARE, 1999, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania.
385. IGI, Version 5.0,, Feb 2003.
386. New Netherland Vital Records, 1600’s
Directory to Persons in New Netherlands, 1600’s, Surnames U-V, Page 1654, Feb 16, 2003
388. email from Janene Zaccone, 3/6/03

I can't remember if I sent this to you and didn't mean to take so long to get back to you with it if I didn't. Your wife and I do have common ancestors. Here's what I have that differs from what you have. Hope it helps fill in some gaps.


My great-grandmother was Elisha K. Smithâs granddaughter. Her mother, Elishaâs daughter, was Mary Salome Smith. Granny wrote out the family tree based on her memory and the family Bible. Some of this comes from her records; the rest I found back in the late 1980s in census records, county histories and such.

Elijah Smith joined Cannonâs Company of the Tennessee Mounted Militia to fight in the Sabine War, an Indian War, July 25, 1836 to serve one year. The company was mustered in at Athens, Tennessee. (from a history of Hamilton Co.)

In the 1840 census, Nancy Sawyer Smith was listed as head of her household. She had four small children. Another was born in 1840. By the 1850 census, Nancy had remarried to a neighbor, S. Martin Hartman. The census listing for them that year was:

John Hartman, 18; George Hartman, 15; Jefferson Hartman, 12; Madison Hartman, 10; Alfred Hartman, 7; David Hartman, 3; Elbert Hartman, 1; Ely Smith, 18; Mary Smith, 16; Elisha Smith, 15; Alexander Smith, 13; Elizabeth Smith, 10; George Sawyer, 66; Ely Sawyer, 20.

This jibes with the 1840 listing that has Nancy living with four small children and another born that year. The four underlined probably were her children with Elijah Smith.

Record of Smith and Rogers Family (from family records):

Elisha Kirkland Smith, born Feb. 3, 1836

Elisha Kirkland Smith, died June 27, 1912

Brothers and Sisters

Elizabeth married John Bradfield

Mary married Jim Rogers

Eli married Miss Barker

Half Brother

Matthew married Elizabeth Hixson



Rogers generation

G.W. Rogers born 1810, died March 4 1886.

Catherine Jackson Rogers born Aug. 13, 1806. They were married Sept. 1, 1830.

To this union the following children were born:

William W. Rogers, born Aug. 7, 1831

James C. Rogers, born Aug. 11, 1834

Merena Isabel Rogers, born March 8, 1836

Amy Ann Rogers born July 24 1839 (married George Hartman)

Mary Isadora Rogers born Dec. 12, 1837 died Nov. 21, 1916

Agnes Rogers, born April 7, 1841 (Married John Gadd)

Catherine Rogers, born Jan. 27, 1843 (married James Martin)

John H. Rogers, born Dec. 16, 1840

Nancy E. Rogers, born May 22, 1850 (married Dave Hartman)

While I can find no proof of who George W. Rogersâ parents were, he is mentioned in the "Descendents of Doswell Rogers." Also, in Holston Methodism Vol. IV, it says: "There were also Hurd Rogers and George W. Rogers who built the first Methodist church on Signal Mountain, later called Fairmount."

Elisha K. Smith and Mary Isadora Rogers married Oct. 26, 1854

To this union the following children were born:

Nancy Catherine Smith, born Nov. 4, 1857 (married Return Houser Oct. 6, 1878)

Mary Salome Smith, born Oct. 2, 1859 (married James Franklin Brown Dec. 17, 1882)

Caroline Elizabeth Smith, born July 4, 1862 (married Jesse Monroe Brown, J.F.âs cousin, Dec. 28, 1879)

Ida Matilda Smith, born June 23, 1866 (died July 24, 1876 aged 10)

G.W. Smith, born July 8, 1871 (married Amanda Brymer April 30, 1894)


On March 28, 1971, an article appeared in the Chattanooga Free-Press about Joe Woodhead and his memories of Hamilton County in the 1800s. One portion of the article mentions Alexander P. Smith, brother of Elisha Kirkland Smith.

"My mother, Susan Martin, was only 4-years-old at the time of the Civil War. There were skirmishes all around their place. They could hear the roar of the cannon at Chickamauga. My Aunt Sarah was older, a young lady, when the Confederate soldiers came and found the last pig that was to keep them from starvation. Sarah, being hot-tempered, grabbed a poker from the fireplace. “Take that pig and Iâll brain you,” she shouted at the foragers. Her father restrained her, and the last pig was taken. They were starving.

"With the arrival of Gen. Grant in Chattanooga, the siege no longer held. The starving Federals could see a glimmer of hope. Sarahâs father put her on a horse, with empty saddlebags, and wrote a letter to Gen. Grant that they were on starvation.

"This attractive young lady, Sarah, rode the distance of around five miles from their Hixon far to Gen. Grantâs headquarters on First Street. Gen. Grant gave the family some supplies and sent one of his Federal guards, Alexander Smith, to escort the young lady back home. Romance grew out of the meeting and Sarah became Mrs. Alexander Smith."
389. email from "Kia Mandry" <>
1. Richard Joseph Crowe, my step-dad was born 01-19 and he was the youngest. He is a truckdriver and lives in Woodlake, NE. My brother, Richard Patrick (goes by "Rich" except for me and a few others call him "Pat") drives truck also. He is married to Tina and they also live in Woodlake. George and Virgina Crowe - no kids (my step-dad's oldest brother and his wife) also live in Woodlake, NE, in the same house that their mom and dad (Fred and Cathryn) lived in for years and years after they sold their ranch before they died. I think dad's mom was a school teacher and Fred of course, ranched.
In the middle is Cecil (married to Marlene, last known to be in Colorado - kids are Joel, Laurie and Gwen),
Kay - legal secretary, lives in Valentine, NE (married and divorced from Jack, kids are Stephanie, John (married to Sheri) and Virginia, and then Stella, ranched in Gordon, NE for years with her husband Gene, three kids: Fred (missionary in Guam), Dan (auctioneer in Wyoming, I think) and Sheila.

I probably have birthdays for everyone around here someplace.

My step sister is Debbie, last I knew she was a travel agent in Wyoming but that was long ago. She has four children. She also has an older half brother named Billy. Her and Billy have the same mother, Ellen, who was Dick's (Richard Joseph Crowe) first wife.

My mother was born 08/04 and died 10/22/99 in Florida. My sister Kelly was born 08/16/71, is married - last name Gulbrandtson (?) and has three kids. My brother was born 02/21/69. I was born 04/11/63. My children are Caleb Charles Mandry, born 5/9/92, Norris Victor Mandry, born 08/11/95, Dakota Michael Mandry, born 03/24/97, and twins Jesse John and Lane Shannon, born 02/10/98. The twins (named after my natural parents John & Shannon) were born 14 weeks early and Lane died after only a few days.

After Dick and Shannon divorced, my half brother and sister (Pat & Kelly) did not see their dad for years. I kept in contact with him (because I was pretty close to him, and older and already on my own). Years later, when each of them were grown up, I made arrangements for them to each individually meet him. Kelly did not "bond" with him, and went back to Florida to live with her (our) mother. Pat, on the other hand, did "bond" and moved up to be with Dick in Woodlake, NE, where Dick taught him to truck. I have always been happy that those two hit it off. I have heard recently that Kelly might be moving with her family back to Nebraska to be closer to her brother, now that Shannon (our mother) is dead.

Shannon (Dick Crowe's ex wife and the mother of Pat & Kelly and me) and I never got along well and I moved away when I was young. Kelly was the closest to her. Shannon's parents were Mildred and Paul Dunlap. Shannon has a sister Margory (Welch) in Michigan and a brother Paul in Arizona.

If you have any questions about all that, let me know. If not, I'll write more later. Nice to meet you. Thank you for all the work you do. I'd like the address of the site so I could look at all of it, if you don't mind.

Kia Colleen Mandry (512) 499-3639
Assistant to
Robert B. Tyler and
Tiffany G. Hildreth
Strasburger & Price, LLP

>I am not sure what exactly this website is, but I found my mother
>(Shannon Linda Dunlap), my step-father (Richard Joseph Crowe) and my
>half-brother and half-sister (Richard Patrick Crowe and Kelly Anne
>Crowe) as well as myself here (Colleen Turner). If you are
>interested in "filling in the blanks", I would be happy to supply
>some information for you.
390. Loa’s Book, Crowe Chronicles, (1836-2001), Apr 2002, Loa Morelli Titman
391. email from Loa Morelli Titman
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:26:33 -0600
From: Dave & Loa Titman <>
Subject: great talking with you
To: Steve Johnson <>

Hi I just looked in my book and here ae the entries that I have received
that are not included in the book:
Deaths: May Latch (Don Crowe's Mother) died Oct.1, 2002
Births: Shawn Stone and Adrienne (not married), a girl, Samantha Marie Stone
July 20, 2002
Greg & Nicole Turner, a boy, Scott Gabriel Turner April 11, 2002
Jenifer (Devine) and Ryan Denegri, a boy, Nicholas Ryan Devine -Nenegri
Tanya and Hugh Watson expecting in Feb, 2003 haven't found out yet
Cortney and Jeremy O'Brian expecting in 2003 haven't heard yet.

Note to add to David Martinson, his wife Juliet (Yu Ang)had five children by
a previous marriage they are: Jennifer, Jonavan, Jeremy, Jeffery and

Marriages: Paul Titman and Amanda Albers married July 6, 2002 in Saskatoon,
Krystlle Titman married Anton Ovtchinnokov Jan. 25, 2003 in Calgary,

that's all for now, it's almost bus time again..great to hear from you.It's
too bad that gov'ts don't do what they were elected to do: listen to the
voice of the people and not just their own thoughts.
392. email From: "rcdan" <>
To: <>
Subject: We're Cousins!!
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 10:02:17 -0800
X-Priority: 3

Hello Mr Johnson,

My name is Cheryl Daniels, my mother is Mary Jane Johnson, daughter of Julius Francis Johnson and Hazel Louise Stewart.

I've just gotten into genealogy since this past Christmas and you are the first living cousin I have found.

Our common ancestor link is Andrew Johnson & Mary Lytle.

My family came down through Clarence True Johnson, Francis Andrew Johnson, Julius Francis Johnson, to my mother Mary Jane Johnson.

From what I can gather, my grandparents (Julius Francis Johnson & Hazel Louis Stewart) were separated from the family when they married. I understand that Hazel's parents disowned her when she married. Her parents believed that marrying a military man would ruin her life.

I don't really know the truth......I am excited to find a living relative!!

Maybe we can keep in touch!

Cheryl Daniels

Also, info fromMayflower Vital Records by Peter Brown
393. 1930 USA Census
394. “1870 Census, Wisconsin, Waushara, Oasis.”
395. “1900 Wisconsin.”
396. email: From:
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 22:05:25 EST
Subject: Francis Heinzman

My name is Raymond Fleming. I Live in Mulvane, Ks. It is just south of
My Grand parents were Ralph and Frances Fleming. I have a little
information of their chidren and the dates they passed away. They had a total
of 6 children.
Ralph Fleming my grandfather passed away on December 7th, 1984, My
grandmother whose name was Myrtle Frances passed away on August 23, 1981.
Their children's names are
June, Cecil, Adolph, Ralph, and Gordon, and Wayne. My father was Ralph
June's married name is Williams. She lives in Cannon City Colorado. Cecil
lives in Florida. The remaining children have passed away. Ralph my father
passed away on November 26, 1994, Gordon passed away on July 1, 2001. I
don't have the dates for the remainig children.
I remember my Great Grandmother who would have been Anna May Johnson. I
didn't know what her first name was it was always Grand Ma. She would always
come in by train into Newton Ks. and we would pick her up ther and return her
when she left. AS I remember she was a school teacher.
I have been trying to find more about the Fleming side of my family. I
can't find where my grand father was born " yet"
It was good to read what you have about the Heinzmans. It has been 3 or 4
years since wwe saw him but we didi see Don Heinzman who is Cecil's son. he
and my dad got to know each other after the retired more than they ever did
while they were young.

Good luck to you

Raymond Fleming, Mulvane Kansas
397. 1930 U.S. Federal Census > Colorado > Otero > Precinct 18 > District 24
398. Family Tree, Leigh Lane,, Oct 9, 2002.
399.  Michigan Deaths, 1971-96,
400. 1920 USA Census
1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1760